Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Kreative Blogger Award

WOO  HOO, I was awarded the Kreativ Blogger Award by Narelle who is a Self-employed Jeweller

Thank you so much Narelle

You can enjoy reading her Blog here.

There are 7 rules to keep this award growing:

1) Copy the award picture and post on your blog

2) Thank the person who gave it to you and link to their blog
3) Write 7 things about yourself we don't know:

1. I have only got 2 thumbs and 7 1/2 fingers..
2. I lived in queensland for 9 months
3. I love to collect butterfly's ~ not the living kind but ornamental ones.
4. I drove before i had a licence..
5. Im one of 6 but the oldest of 3
6. I hate snakes.. (especially ones that get inside)
7. Im a semi vegatarian.

4) Choose 7 other bloggers to pass the award to
5) Link to those 7 other bloggers

Art by Jen G    

 Electric Moi

  Kelly Vanviersen Photos

  Kris-Krissy ~

 Stressed Out Sister `

 Black Eyed Susie

6) Notify your 7 bloggers

There, all done. The hard part was choosing only 7 great Blogs I read to give the award to!

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